lol adc符文搭配(英雄联盟adc符文怎么搭配),Iroducio

2024-03-29 02:19:40  阅读 42 次 评论 0 条


ADC, or Aack Damage Carry,is oe of he mos impora roles i League of Legeds. As a ADC,you eed o deal a lo of damage while sayigsafe. Oe of he ways o icrease your damage oupu is by selecig he righ rues. Ihis aricle,we will discuss he bes ADC rue combiaios

Primary Rues

The bes keysoe rue is usually Press he Aack,which icreases your damage agais a arge over ime. Aohergrea opio is Flee Foowork,which provides susai ad mobiliy. For secodary rues,you ca choose from eiher Domiaio, Sorcery, or Ispiraio。

Domiaio Rues

If you wa o ake dow eemies quickly,Domiaio is a grea secodary rue pah. The bes rue is usually Cheap Sho,which deals bous damage oeemies you've recely impaired。which provides susai. For he secod rue,Eyeball Collecio is a good choice,as i gras bous aack damage for each champio akedow。

Sorcery Rues

Sorcery is a grea choice for ADCs ha rely o abiliies o deal damage. The bes rue is usually SummoAery,which deals damage ad shields allies whe you use abiliies。which deals damage o eemies i a area afer a shor delay. For he secod rue,you ca choose from Maaflow Bad,which provides maa susai, or Absolue Focus,which gras bous aack damage whe you're above 70% healh。

Ispiraio Rues

Ispiraio is a grea choice for ADCs ha wa o say safe ad farm. The bes rue is usually Klepomacy,whichgras radom iems ad gold whe you hi eemies wih abiliies or basic aacks. Aoher grea opio is UsealedSpellbook,which allows you o swap summoer spells durig he game. For he secod rue,you ca choose from Biscui Delivery,which provides susai, or Cosmic Isigh,which reduces he cooldow summoer spells ad iem acives


Choosig he righ rues for your ADC ca make a big differece i your game. Experime wih differecombiaios ad fid he oe haworks bes for your playsyle. Remember o always adjus your rues based o heeemy eam composiio ad your lae machup。

Tags: lol adc, adc rues, adc rue combiaios, precisio rues, domiaio rues, sorcery rues, ispiraio rues

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